 48"x24" Oil on canvas with 24 carat goldleaf $2,880
I designed Ollie as the Joker for my deck of cards based on a garden theme. I liked him so much I decided to do this painting of him. |
 20"x20" Oils, Acrylic Inks on wood panel $1,000
This painting honors our son's two ferrets, who were true explorers. Taking that theme to the limit, I pictured them traveling through space, where no ferret has gone before. |
 36'X36" Oil on Canvas $3,240
Tigers and Pool, stripes and solids, seem to go together...a balanced painting |
 24"x18" Oil on canvas, embellished with 24 carat goldleaf $1,080
A heron's equivalent to a pack 'n play, a Mama doing her best to keep her baby safe. Inspired by Leyendecker. |
 24"x18" Oil on Canvas $1,080
When I think of jumping through a hoop, my mind goes to "frog"; clowning around with a circus theme. Another painting inspired by Leyendecker. |
Mixed Media on Canvas
One of those times when a vision just pops in my
head as I am looking at something. In this case, I was studying the lilies in my garden. |

Mixed Media on Canvas
Baby Mockingbirds nested near our deck. I embellished their nest in my painting of them with some colorful shoestrings. |
Mixed Media on Canvas
While on Hawaii we saw wild goats everywhere. This one posed for me as I pulled over to take a photo. She was on the edge of a golf course, and since she had a goatee, I saw the irony of adding a golf ball on a tee.
 12" x 12"
Oil on Canvas
$432 SOLD
What if...a baby chick wanted to hide in your bathroom? |
 24" x 48"
Mixed Media on Canvas
Playing around with words. |
 12" x 24"
Mixed media on Canvas
Playing around with what "under the sea" might look like to an artist. |
 40" x 30"
Mixed Media on Canvas
Another What If...? What if snails were asked to slow down?
I went to sleep thinking of African snails after seeing them on the animal channel and woke up with this painting complete in my head. |
 48" x 48"
Mixed Media on Canvas
Walking through the barns at the state fair, I came across these cows. All I could see was mountain tops and Ski slopes. |
 48"x 60"
Mixed Media on Canvas
$8,640. SOLD
My dad loved Canada geese and kept journals of the ones that came back to the small lake on his farm each year. This painting represents him with his five children. On dollar night he would pack us in the car and take us to the Wysox drive-in, especially when a John Wayne movie was playing. |
 36" x 36"
Oil on Canvas
$ 3,888. SOLD
This painting is a light-hearted attempt at realizing things are not always as they appear. |
Oil on Canvas
Sitting on the deck one day, I had the rare opportunity of photographing a full finch feeder. I took a little artistic license with color.
20"x30" Mixed media
I often try to relate to the subjects I paint. If I were a sea dragon, this is what my life would look like, floating around in a Van Gogh setting. Having painted her in a Van Gogh-ish technique, it is very different from my other sea dragon paintings.
 24"x48"-Mixed Media
This is a story about two souls meeting, so enamored with each other, that they are oblivious to their surroundings, even the potential of a map leading them to a hidden treasure. The simplicity of their love is all they need. |
 20"x20"- Mixed Media
$1,400. SOLD
This painting represents my granddaughter Freya, still forming in her mother's womb, soon to emerge into her new life to mesmerize and enchant us all. |
 36" x 36"
Mixed Media on Canvas
What I imagine it would look like if sea dragons
lived in candy shops. |
Mixed Media on Canvas
First of a series of three paintings of my depiction of Dante's Trilogy. This one is "Inferno". Dante is a sea dragon in all three paintings. I flew to Sea World in Florida just to photograph the sea dragons there for reference. |
Mixed media on Canvas
Number 2 of my depiction of Dante's Divine Comedy.
Dante repents of his sins here in Purgatory. |
 36" x 36"
Mixed Media on Canvas
Third and final in the Dante Trilogy Series.
Dante meets up with Beatrice in Heaven. |
 10" x 10"- Liquid Acrylic
$350 SOLD
A little space humor.
11"x11"- Liquid Acrylic
A playful piece that depicts simple beauty in a complex world.
 30"x28"- Mixed media
Flashbacks from a book of children's fables I had as a child. I tried to recreate it, from memory, since the book has been gone for ages.
A lot of emotion embedded in this piece and therefore, one of my favorites. |
 30" x 24"- Mixed Media
 32" x 40"- Liquid Acrylic